Austin TX Flooding (2015)

Flooding Info:  NOAA | South Central Texas Severe Weather & Flooding

10/31/15 City of Austin experienced 15″ of rain. AUS shut down for 30 minutes until the airfield receded of water. Running water entirely covered taxiway lights and signs in some areas. AUS maintenance personnel were capable of dealing with sporadic outages of lights and signs.

SEADOG Coordination: DFW & SAT coordinators were in contact with AUS to assist.

Impact: FAA evacuated the Tower/TRACON building due to 6″ of water on the ground floor. FAA personnel first worked from a mobile TSA command post, then from one of the FAA’s mobile towers that only had visibility to one runway. As of the morning of 11/4/15, controllers were back in the tower utilizing both runways. FAA had issues getting AUS TRACON services occurring remotely from the SAT TRACON.